Open again December 10th.


Last Update: January 30, 2024

Telegram Stickers

Telegram stickers are priced depending on each sticker's content. Price quotes are at the discretion of the artist.You may request any number of stickers between a minimum of 2 stickers and a maximum of 12 stickers in a single commission. There is no discount for requesting a higher number of stickers.I DO NOT accept "artistic freedom" stickers with no ideas given. Please have at least a simple idea or expression ready.

Single Sticker: $40 USDYCH stand-in Fee: $15 USD per sticker
Additional Character Fee: $30 USD per sticker
Full Body Fee: $10 USD per sticker
Complex Prop/Background: $5-10 USD per sticker
Complex Character: $5-10 USD per sticker

Reference Sheet

Reference sheets will come with a front and back view of the character, in addition to any close ups of details, color swatches and a simple background. Any additional content will be available for additional fees.If you do not know what your character looks like, I can work with you to design your character.

Freeform Ref Sheet: $250 USD
Symmetrical Ref Sheet: $185 USD
Side View: $50 USD
Additional Pose: $75 USD
Headshot Expressions: $20 USD per headshot
Complex Background: $50 USD

Freeform Ref Sheet

Symmetrical Ref Sheet

Twitch Emotes

Emotes meant to be used in the Twitch streaming service.You may request any number of emotes between a minimum of 2 emotes and a maximum of 8 emotes in a single commission.Animated emotes unavailable.

Single Emote: $30 USD


Badges intended to be used for conventions.All badge commissions are for a digital file and will not be printed, laminated and/or mailed as a physical object. All badges created are made with the intention that it will be a two-sided reversible badge.

Badge: $65 USD


Last Update: May 29, 2024


Commission Application

  • You must be 18 years or older in order to submit a commission form.

  • You must submit a form to be considered for commission.

  • Submitting a form does not guarantee a commission slot and slots are NOT first come, first serve.

  • You must provide reference images; I will not work from descriptions.

  • If you provide AI generated reference images, your commission form will be automatically declined.

Commission Content

  • I DO NOT accept "artistic freedom" stickers with no ideas given. Please have at least a simple idea or expression ready.

  • While I am willing to hear any ideas you may have in terms of commission content, I have the right to refuse to draw anything I am not comfortable with.

  • NSFW content is allowed, however I have the right to refuse to draw kink I am not comfortable with.

Subjects I Will NOT Draw

  • Underaged Characters

  • Excessive Violence or Gore

  • Complex Machinery

  • Full Armor

  • Hateful Themes

  • Copyrighted Characters (e.g. Nick Wilde, Balto, Legoshi)


  • Unless otherwise stated by the artist, please keep all communication related to the commission.

  • Upon initial contact between the artist and the commissioner, if the commissioner does not respond within 72 hours, the commission will be cancelled.

  • During the commission process, if communications from the artist are ignored for 14 days, the commission will be cancelled. Any refunds will be processed as outlined in the Refunds sections.


  • All commission prices are in USD.

  • Payments are processed through PayPal. All PayPal invoices will contain a PayPal transaction fee.

  • Prices will be quoted to you based on what the commission request contains.

  • Full payment is required up-front for the commission process to begin.

  • If you cannot make the full payment, contact me and we can create a payment plan.

  • Payment must be received within 72 hours of when the invoice is sent or the invoice will be canceled and your commission will be removed.


  • If no work has started on the commission, a refund of the full upfront payment will be issued.

  • If the commission is in process, a partial refund will be issued based on how much time and work I have put into the commission thus far.

  • If the commission is completed, final payment received and the commissioner has received the product, the legal contract between artist and commissioner has been concluded and no refund will be issued.

Commission Process

  • The commission process is as follows: Sketch, Ink, Color, Finalization, Delivery.

  • When I have completed each step, I will send you a WIP image in order for you to confirm everything up to that step is to your liking. I will not proceed to the next step unless you are 100% happy with the current step and you tell me to proceed.

  • You may ask for as many edits as you wish during any step, however extensive edits (such as redrawing a pose) after certain points may incur an additional fee. After any requested edits, I will resend you a WIP and have you reaffirm your satisfaction.

  • When the commission is finalized, I will send you the image files to your preferred location. If the commission is a sticker pack, I will provide you with each sticker ready to upload, as well as a sticker page displaying every sticker in the pack.

  • Any questions or concerns involving your commission can be addressed through my email or Telegram; I check both regularly.


  • I reserve the right to stream my art process on unless the commissioner specifically requests the work be completed off-stream.

  • Any and all NSFW content will NEVER be streamed on any public streaming service.

Legal Stuff

  • Under U.S. copyright laws, the artist maintains all copyright to all artwork I create unless otherwise discussed. I maintain the right to use, post and promote my artwork however I see fit.

  • All original characters belong to their creators.

  • You may post the commissioned artwork for non-commercial non-profit purposes, but please provide artist credit.

  • You MAY NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial or for-profit purposed without written permission from the artist.

  • You MAY NOT produce and distribute the art for free (e.g. passing out physical stickers at a convention) without written permission from the artist.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via the links below.Unless otherwise stated by the artist, please keep all communication related to art and/or commissions. DO NOT send me random, unsolicited stickers. I will not respond to unsubstantial messages.